A Playground for Varagavan Kindergarten
Grand Opening
Varagavan village is located 182 km from Yerevan in the Tavush region of Armenia. The village of Varagavan has 690 residents living in 225 households. The villagers’ main source of income is agriculture and livestock cultivation. The village has one school (1-12 grades) with 80 students and a kindergarten with 25 children. The kindergarten at Varagavan village was renovated in 2019, when FCN provided beds, bedding and furniture, and in 2020, we were able to install the playground that was requested for the children. With the renovation of Varagavan kindergarten and donation of beds with bedding and furniture, as well as a playground, we provided the village’s kindergartners the opportunity to learn, grow, and play in a safe environment, promoting a healthier and safe environment for growth for years to come.