Beds & a Playground for Myasnikyan Kindergarten
Myasnikyan village is located in Armavir province. It is one hour drive from Armenia’s capital, Yerevan.
This was a settlement for families from Akhoryan, Iran, Lebanon, and Syria. The population in this area is 4436 with 950 households. The main occupation of this village is farming, livestock, and growing grapes.
There is one school (k-12) with 420 students.
The kindergarten has 120 students now and 30 more students on the waiting list.
In 2018, FCN donated 30 beds to this kindergarten when they renovated a classroom. Now that the rest of the classes are renovated, the school needed to replace all the old beds.
The request of this project was for 90 new beds so that 30 NEW students and a total of 90 students can attend school and all the children can take their midday nap in a safe bed.
The cost for this project is $6,200.
The request for a playground was submitted to FCN in 2019. The kindergarten has a nice backyard, but there was very old and rusted playground equipment in the schoolyard which was very dangerous for kids to use. There is also a small slide and monkey bar unit in the small part of the school. Altogether, there was not enough playground equipment for 150 students to use while playing outdoors, until this year, when we installed a new, safe playground for all the children to enjoy.
The cost of the playground project is $6,500.