A Playground for Nerqin Khndzoresk Kindergarten

Nerqin Khndzoresk

Nerqin Khndzoresk village is located in the Syunik region of Armenia. Its distance from Yerevan is 260 km. This village has a population of under 100 people with 23 farms. There’s 1 school with 23 children, and 1 kindergarten with 12 children. 

Because Nerqin Khndzoresk is very small and does not have a lot of opportunities, young families with children often end up leaving the village. With the intention of looking towards a bright future, the school requested an opportunity for physical training in the school area. Thus, a playground was installed so that children in both the kindergarten and the school can play outdoors. 

This playground was previously installed at Gotanik village in Artsakh in 2020, but unfortunately, upon finding out that the land was given up to Azeri forces, this gave us time and reason to transfer the playground equipment to a location where children would benefit from it. 

  • Sponsors/Dedications: Armen and Eleanora Hayrapetian in honor of Hamo and Medik Baghdanian

  • FCN Program: Education