Aygedzor #2 Beds, Bedding, Furniture, & Playground

Project Completed

Aygedzor Village, located in Tavush Province, is 190 km from Yerevan and has a population of 2,600 people with 560 households. The primary livelihood in the village is agriculture. There is one school with 160 students, and 90 children attend kindergarten, with 70 attending in one building and 20 in a second building. The kindergarten operates for 11 months a year and has heating.

The kindergarten needed a playground for the second building. The Ministry of Social Affairs (MSA) had installed a playground in the first building, and the second building was renovated with community funds. The children in that area of the village also needed a playground.

  • Sponsors: Family and friends in honor of Sonik and Grisha Sookiasian

  • FCN Program: Education