Geghanist Kindergarten Beds & Bedding
Geghanist, Ararat
Project Completed
Geghanist village is in Ararat province 7 km away from Yerevan, (about 20 min drive).
The population in the village is 3047 with 839 households. The main occupation in the village is farming. There is one school (K-12) with 400 students. The only kindergarten in the village has 120 students. The kindergarten operates 11 months out of a year.
In 2020 FCN provided beds, and bedding for 30 students. So, the school added more students to the school. This year they requested for 30 more beds and bedding to replace the old ones they have. The materials that the old beds are made of are not safe for the children. These beds were made 30-40 years ago, and the toxic material that was used to make the beds are now banned to be used in any furniture.
By getting new bunk beds, the children will sleep in new and safe beds. The bunk beds will take less space in the classroom, which will leave more room in the class for Kindergarteners to play.